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                current location:

                Shanghai Jacn Energy & Environment Co. Ltd.

                  Shanghai Jixing energy and Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. was established in 2008. Since its establishment, the company has been focusing on the application field of organic waste bioenergy conversion. It is an enterprise specialized in biogas treatment and utilization of biomass. The company imported advanced anaerobic digestion technology of high concentration organic waste from Germany and optimized it according to the actual situation in China. Based on high starting point and high standard, we provide energy and resource solutions for organic waste according to different needs of customers.

                  The company's main service areas are super large biogas projects and biomass natural gas projects, and the processing objects include

                  Municipal Industry: urban organic domestic waste, kitchen waste, vegetable waste, sludge;

                  Agricultural industry: animal manure and straw;

                  Industry: distiller's grains, vinegar lees, etc.

                  The company has a high-quality, professional engineering and technical team in Germany to provide technical support, and relying on Tongji University's expert team and resource advantages, forge ahead with determination and strong technical strength to ensure that we provide our customers with high-quality, reliable and efficient services, bring practical benefits to customers and environmental benefits to the society.