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                High Solid Anaerobic Fermentation project of Chiang mai university


                In may, the commissioning of the 15t /d domestic waste High Solid Anaerobic Fermentation tank in Chiang mai university of Thailand was completed, marking the successful launch of the " High Solid Anaerobic Fermentation Technology" independently developed by JACN Co.Ltd.

                High Solid Anaerobic Fermentation Tank

                Chiang mai university is famous for its research on biomass energy technology. The LAGOON biogas digester developed by the university has been widely used in southeast Asia and southern China.

                Black film biogas digester

                The introduction of " High Solid Anaerobic Fermentation Technology" of JACN Co.Ltd independent intellectual property rights has realized the resource utilization of campus household garbage of Chiang mai university. Waste gas is produced by anaerobic fermentation and purified from bio-gas. Biogas slags were used for aerobic compost and organic manure was made for landscaping. Biogas slurry is used for afforestation after passing through the secondary fermentation tank in the black film pool.

                The biggest advantage of "dry anaerobic fermentation technology" is that it has strong adaptability to raw materials, and large diameter impurities such as sand, stone, metal and plastic do not affect the normal operation of fermentation tanks.

                The waste material into the fermentation tank

                The appearance of " High Solid Anaerobic Fermentation Technology" has greatly broadened the application field of anaerobic fermentation technology, simplified the pretreatment steps, and made anaerobic fermentation of household garbage, kitchen waste, sludge and other high impurity materials simple and feasible.

                IACN Co.Ltd has successfully built more than 30 High Solid Anaerobic Fermentation Tanks in China, including household garbage, kitchen waste, pig manure, chicken manure, cow dung and straw.