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                Thailand's deputy prime minister unveil the Thai project undertaken by JACN


                On the morning of July 6, Beijing time, vice prime minister general patana chantone of Thailand arrived at the royal Thai air force in huafuri to unveil the official operation of the Thai air force's integrated waste disposal project.This indicates that Shanghai jixing's dry anaerobic fermentation technology has gone abroad and made its own contribution to actively respond to the national "One Belt And One Road" policy.


                This project not only is the Thai air force in the field of renewable energy technology development and project cooperation, Thailand first dry anaerobic fermentation of organic waste project, the project adopts dry anaerobic fermentation process is the core technology of Shanghai, the current urban integration of the organic waste green energy station package solution, implement the new biomass energy conversion.


                It is because of the significance of this project to the development of renewable energy in Thailand that the project has been highly valued by Thai leaders.


                The successful operation of the Thai air force project means that Shanghai jixing's anaerobic fermentation technology has been recognized in the international market.Adhering to the concept of "striving for innovation and excellence", we are constantly expanding the power of "Shanghai jixing" brand.