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                CASE | Dry Anaerobic Waste Fermentation Project


                The core of municipal solid waste treatment plant in Xiong’an new district, AnXin country, Heibei Province is dry anaerobic fermentation system, which is a project that has the first independent property rights designed and built by JACN Energy&Environment. This project has passed the acceptance check and well-reputed.

                In AnXin country adjacent to Baiyangdian scenic spot, Anaerobic fermentation process of municipal solid waste lessen the degree of environmental pollution greatly compared with burning or landfilling, protecting the atmosphere and soil of the scenic spot.

                300 Tons of domestic Waste disposal daily in this project. After the garbage transported the factory, first through the extrusion press extrusion, pyrolysis and gasification of dry slag, the extruded high concentration organic slurry(TS=20~30%)enters the dry anaerobic fermentation tank, and the methane produced by the fermentation is used for power generation.

                Anaerobic fermentation system including two 2400m3dry anaerobic fermentation tank, with 38 ℃ fermentation temperature, daily processing 140 tons of high concentration organic slurry, produce biogas 1.5×104m3.